10 January 2014 - The cast of the new Doha Players production Les Misérables

The cast meet for the first time

There are six children in the cast

The director Mione

One of the producers, Haven

Andrea is Young Éponine, Brigid is Éponine

Noemi is Young Cosette
(her dad is Austrian!)

Young Éponine with her parents in the play:
Jane is Mme Thénardier and
David is Thénardier

Fay is the understudy for Young Éponine

Peter G. is Valjean

Peter D. is the Bishop

Nick (a teacher at ASD!) is Marius

Katie is Cosette,
Noemi is Young Cosette

Cooper is the Gavroche understudy,
Tom is Gavroche

Eliza, the Young Cosette understudy,
and Noemi, Young Cosette

Rivals on stage, friends in real life

Break time with Noemi